Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Happy May and Mother's Day!!

Wow!  What a busy week!  We have completed our DIBELS testing for the year, finished preparations for our Blue Ribbon visit, created Mother's Day gifts, and of course, taken care of our sweet caterpillars!  Wait a minute! Did I just say caterpillars???  I almost forgot!  Upon our return to school Monday, we were surprised to find several J-shapes (ask a second grader if you are unsure of what that is) and yes, a chrysalis or two!  We will observe them one more time at our desks and then it will be time to move them into their new home- the flight cage!!  Each day we journal about our caterpillars and their exciting life cycle!  You can read our observations on our Life Cycle calendar in our room.

We have also completed models of our caterpillars and labeled all of their many parts.  Come by the room and check them out!  It's pretty creepy-crawly in our hallway!  While there check-out our life cycles that we created.  We loved using the science room for that project!  We even used our time-order words to describe the life cycle and made predictions!
As if we couldn't be busier, it is also Teacher Appreciation Week.  Our students chose a teacher or staff member to write a thank you letter to.  They turned out beautifully!  You can find them on the second grade bulletin board in the lunchroom or in the hall by our room.  I'm so proud of their kindness and gratitude!  Stop by and look!  You might just find a letter addressed to you from a grateful second grader!
A few reminders:
1.  Our trip to the Huntsville Botanical Garden is Tuesday, May 15th.  Please return permission slips ASAP.
2.  The library will be closing on Wednesday, May 16th.  Keep working toward your AR Goal!
3.  Second Grade Field Day will be on Thursday, May 17th.
4.  Indian Ed Field Trip will be on Friday, May 18th.
5.  Second Grade Awards Program will be Friday, May 25th @8:30am.

 Have a wonderful rest of the week and Mother's Day weekend!!

Mrs. Willett

March-April 2012 Update

     As you know, we have been super busy with Blue Ribbon preparations, DIBELS testing, etc.  Therefore, I am just now getting an opportunity to update my blog.  I have so much to share.  I am going to begin with St. Patrick's Day.  We so enjoyed learning about St. Patrick and the traditions that surround his holiday.  We read books, watched a United Streaming video about the Irish (including Irish dancers and other neat Irish customs), and created a great St. Patrick's Day craft. 
     We thought about all the ways that we are lucky.  We then wrote our top ten reasons that make us "The Luckiest of Them All".  Check-out our great leprechauns!  Did I mention that I love pinterest!!!

Now that the weather is warmer, the kids can venture outside to the outdoor music classroom.  WE LOVE IT!  I have posted some great pictures of all the fun below.  Thanks, Ms. Marla for teaching us how to play all of the instruments!

Take Your Child to Work Day
After Spring Break, we had Kite Day, Take Your Child to Work Day, planted the butterfly garden, and most exciting, received our caterpillars in the mail!!   We are doing a great job as caterpillar moms and dads!  We have provided all the necessities for survival, including food, water (from the mallow), air (from the holes in the lid of their "homes"), and a safe shelter. 
 Here you see us using our hand lenses to observe our tiny additions to our classroom!
The Butterfly Garden
Way more to come!  Check back often!


Mrs. Willett